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How to install Xen Orchestra community edition with certificates for https on ubuntu 20.04 for managing XCP-ng evironment step-by- step guide

The source for this information is and the XCP-ng forum. Consult them it is a source of many solutions.

To start you could install the XCP-ng center version to create your vm for installing Xen Orchestra. Or use the trial version of XOA by going to the url of your XCP-ng host and using quick deploy. The third option is go to my previous article on how to install a Xen Orchestra CE from image by using the xe cli commands

I think the simple route if you have a windows workstation is to use XCP-ng center windows.

In my case I am going to start from the third option. Using my virtual Pop!_OS workstation on XCP-ng.

Here we go:

Login into Pop!_OS.

Opening a session to Xen orchestra (running in a vm on my TreuNAS CORE 12)

Cloning a fresh install of ubuntu 20.04

Renaming it to XOACE going to the VM config to assign more memory the minimum is 3 GiB so in static i will give it 4 GiB and in dynamic from 3 Gib to 4 Gib. All my memory is taken for now in this way. I will have to think about a way to upgrade my XCP-ng with a new system or with a little memory upgrade?

Starting up the VM

a nice tool is using terminator to make ssh session to the new XOACE server from my Pop!_OS

Changing the hostname because firstvm in the prompt is weared.

$ sudo vi /etc/hostname

change firstvm in my case to the new name

Setting the VM to fixed IP.

If you don not want to type sudo each time you could do sudo bash for a long term session.

$ sudo bash or continue with using sudo every time

with this done try ifconfig in my case I had to install net-tools

$ sudo apt update (update the library)

$ sudo apt upgrade -y 

$ sudo  apt install net-tools

$ sudo ifconfig

in my case only one interface eth0 is active ignore lo.

you could also look with Xen Orchestra by going to the network tab of the vm.

but take note of the interfaces name in my case eth0

go to folder /etc/netplan

$ cd /etc/netplan

op file 00-installer-config.yaml

$ sudo vi 00-installer-config.yaml

change the value for dhcp4 to no

dhcp4: no

adding after the dhcp4

addresses: []
addresses: []

the file must look like this:
# This is the network config written by 'subiquity'
      dhcp4: no
      addresses: []
              addresses: []
  version: 2


$ sudo netplan apply

and open a new session to the new ip address of the server in my case

than execute to install XOACE

$ sudo curl | sudo bash

let the process run

take note that the login is password is admin don't forget to change your password

go to your web browser type in the ip of the newly configured system

if you are using this in your lab you can skip this section but for production please continue before using XOACE

generate a new key and self signed certs

$ sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/key.pem -out /etc/ssl/certs/certificate.pem

 edit the following file 

$ sudo vi /opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server/.xo-server.toml

change port 80 to 443 and add the following lines

cert = '/etc/ssl/certs/certificate.pem'

key = '/etc/ssl/private/key.pem'

Save your file.

Restart the service.

$ sudo systemctl restart xo-server.service

check if your vm is autopower on state and check memory values

to update the your version of XOACE use the following script

$ sudo curl | sudo bash

you will have enter some credantials but be free the fill it in when needed


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