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Showing posts from March, 2021

Using docker containers on XCP-ng with Xen Orchestra CE step by step

1. Create a VM In my tutorial I am cloning one existing VM. To install docker and to prepare the xcp-ng host watch the following video .  Or you could also continue to read it is up to you. 2. Inside the VM you have to install docker, openssh-server and ncat? For ubuntu: $ sudo apt install $ sudo apt install openssh-server $ sudo apt install ncat To use docker has non-root add the user to the docker group inside your VM like this. $ sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami) Do not forget to logout and login are it may not work with your account To check if docker is running  type the following $ systemctl status docker 3. Then in your XCP-ng host you have to install xscontainer Like this:  $ yum install xscontainer  Followed by executing  $ xe-toolstack-restart to restart the toolstack and use the following command  $ xscontainer-prepare-vm -v vmuuid -u christophe 4. Test your VM with container tab $ sudo docker run hello-world 5. To install portainer exe...